Should I be concerned about my ergonomics and that of the people who work for me? Clearly, the answer is that you should. But what is behind this answer? What key are the factors that influence this requirement?
Ergonomics, from the Greek ergon (work) + nomos (law), is the discipline which deals with the design of places and means of performing an activity and which aims to maximise human well-being while optimising the way work is carried out.
In my opinion, human beings are kind-hearted and don’t purposefully seek to make life more difficult for others; they prefer to assist. You may be thinking that the person writing this is a child and has no idea. You could be right, but if that’s the case, you may as well stop reading right now, because it’s the first meaningful reason for being concerned about posture in the workplace and how workers perform tasks for a company.
Moreover, an employment relationship that takes ergonomics into account is a win-win situation for all sides. If employees exert themselves physically in uncomfortable positions for a prolonged period of time, they will be more prone to injury. Injuries translate into discontent for employees and sick leave for the company, which incur costs.
Also, when people see that concern is felt for them and the conditions in which they work, they will be grateful and will feel that they are being understood. Psychological well-being combined with better “human-machine-environment” organisation will make us much more productive when carrying out tasks.
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